10 Best Practices for Using Microsoft Teams

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Here at Edafio, we’ve been drinking the Microsoft Teams Kool-Aid for some time now. And, since we are users of Teams ourselves and firmly believe that it has the potential to transform the way people collaborate and communicate at work, we wanted to provide you with ten trusty tips for using this platform. 

Since March 2020, Microsoft Teams went from around 32 million users in March 2020 to over 75 million users! That is over a 134% increase in users in just a few months.

Business Insider

Since March 2020, Microsoft Teams went from around 32 million users in March 2020 to over 75 million users! That is over a 134% increase in users in just a few months. It is evident by these numbers that we are not the only ones singing Teams testimonials.

Regardless of how a company decides to use Teams, the collaboration platform is exceptionally beneficial for those trying to stay connected to remote staff.  Its strength lies in bringing together different attributes of team-working (such as workspace, chat, and note-taking) and, most of all, integrating them seamlessly within the Office 365 platform. So if you’re already using Teams and want some handy tips, or need a few more reasons to get Teams for your business now, then read on! 

So, let’s get to it! Here are the following 10 Microsoft Teams tips that will help remote workers get the most out of their collaborative experience.

1. Reserve general channel for team-wide communication
 Some examples include information for new team members, announcements, or an overview of what the Team wants to achieve. 

2. Move Outlook communication to channels
 With each team channel, you can right-click and select get an email address. You can use this channel email to redirect communication from Outlook and put it into Teams for easy reference and traceability. 

3. Don’t set up too many channels in advance 
 A little upfront planning to establish initial channels is a good idea, but don’t overdo it. Unless you have specific channel needs for a team, channels should be created organically around the conversations and needs of users. 

4. Enable easy navigation between Teams & SharePoint
 Add a SharePoint site to your team or a team to your SharePoint site to increase collaboration and navigation. 

5. Add multiple team owners
–  In case a team owner goes on vacation or leaves the organization, it is a good idea to have more than one owner to make sure that there is always someone else to handle the requests and responsibilities of that team.  

6. Create public teams 
A public team helps other users in your organization find the team, which can increase social engagement and transparency. 

7. Avoid team name duplication 
 Before making a new team, do a quick search to make sure there aren’t any teams with the same name to avoid confusion. Trust us, it’s worth it in the long run. 

8. Explore Teams apps
 There are hundreds of apps that integrate with Microsoft Teams to improve your workflow, look around to see if any of the apps you already use work with Teams. 

9. Use the slash commands
 In the search bar of Teams, type a / to give you access to multiple commands that help you quickly find and navigate Microsoft Teams. 

10. Set delivery options
– If you are in a hurry to get a hold of a person or a group, use the delivery options when sending a message to specify the priority and send them a notification every 2 minutes for 20 minutes, or until they read it. 

Want to know more about Microsoft Teams?
We hope these top tips will help you think about how Microsoft Teams will benefit your business. If you would like to speak with an Office 365 specialist that understands how it could benefit your business, then please get in touch by simply completing the form below for a 30-minute consultation. Feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us at 501-221-4100 if that is more your speed.

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