Logan White is our July Spotlight

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We are thrilled to pay tribute to our July Associate Spotlight, Logan White. Logan started as an intern and is now a full-time Jr. NOC engineer. He believes being a part of the Edafio internship program inspired his quest for learning, and the benefits of on-the-job experience translate to improved studies and grades. When you can apply what you learned at work to the classroom, I developed a passion for learning and my overall ability to retain and comprehend information improved.

The comings and goings of staff are a part of every dynamic organization; therefore, it can be challenging to get to know our coworkers better as people. We have to be mindful that our company culture thrives on our exceptional people and their outstanding technical skills. As such, we are finding that our periodic interviews with associates allow us to acknowledge and celebrate the beautiful life stories, extraordinary professional accomplishments, and even the little quirks that make us uniquely beautiful human beings.

We hope you find each Edafio associate story as inspiring as we do in gathering and sharing them.

July Associate Spotlight Logan White

How long have you worked at Edafio, and what does your job entail? 

I started at Edafio as an intern in May of 2021, working with the Conway Regional team and was fortunate to come on full-time in 2021. I belong to a team of engineers who are responsible for monitoring the performance and capacity of our computer systems, troubleshooting problems, and responding to network issues for the staff at Conway Regional.

What do you like most about your job? 

I really like everything about my job, but if I had to name one thing, it would be the camaraderie and close-knit environment within our team. We live by the core value of One Team with humility and respect.

Logan embodies the commitment to client success and the One Team mentality.

He is always willing to assist and often spends extra time with the CRHS team and users on stressful IT issues.

Colby Waites
Team Lead

What do you like to do when you aren’t working? 

l work out at the gym every day with my younger brother. I also enjoy spending time with my friends, family and my girlfriend of three years.

What’s a fun fact about you that many people may not know?

I have never met a stranger. I have a knack for befriending people of diverse backgrounds and finding common ground, and learning about what makes them unique.

What is your motto or personal mantra?

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Always stay open, ask questions and try.

Everyone at Edafio has a story about why they joined the team. What’s yours?

I was majoring in PT but quickly rerouted to CISA after receiving mentoring and advising from my mom and professor. Soon after, I got accepted for the internship role at CRHS, and it was the best decision I have made. I am grateful for what I am doing and where I am today. I owe my mom, Kevin Jordan and Ryan Brown for their support and leadership,

Edafio is always looking for exceptional candidates to join our team. For an opportunity to work with folks like Logan, visit our careers page to learn more.

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