We are thrilled to pay tribute to Nick Smith one of our July Associate Spotlight and esteemed Network Engineer.
The comings and goings of staff are a part of every dynamic organization; therefore, it can be challenging to get to know our coworkers better as people, especially coming out of a time of social distancing. We have to be mindful that our company culture thrives on our exceptional people as much as their outstanding technical skills. As such, we are finding that our periodic interviews with associates allow us to acknowledge and celebrate the beautiful life stories, extraordinary professional accomplishments, and even the little quirks that make us uniquely beautiful human beings.
We hope you find each Edafio associate story as inspiring as we do in gathering and sharing them.
Watch the video interview here:
How long have you worked at Edafio, and what does your job entail?
I have worked at Edafio for about 4 1/2 years. I’ve spent the last year and a half on our Network team. I deal primarily with troubleshooting various issues within our clients’ networks.
“I knew I would be able to positively impact my community while working with a fantastic team. Edafio is more of a family than a company, and I’ve enjoyed every second of it.”
Nick Smith
What do you like most about your job?
I like problem-solving in general, and I’m a puzzle fanatic. I love that I have a job that challenges me with a new puzzle to solve every day.
What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?
I once was able to get a good 60 kicks during a solo hacky sack session.

Where’s your favorite place in the world?
That would be Yachats, Oregon. It’s a small seaside town with a strong local community, at night you can hear the waves crashing along the shore becoming almost white noise, during the day you can always catch a good deal at the local farmers market. It also has plenty of Forest trails and history to explore.
If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would want to meet Robin Williams. I feel like he saw the world in a unique way and tried to give everyone an excuse to laugh a little and brighten their day.
Nick is growing as an engineer and has an “I can” mindset. He’s a wonderful engineer and is staging his career for success! I learn something from him every day.
Brent Saunders, Network Team Lead
Everyone at Edafio has a story about why they joined the team. What’s yours?
I was in my Freshman year in college and wanted to be able to help my local community. I applied to be an intern on the Helpdesk, and from my first interview, I knew I would be able to positively impact my community while working with a fantastic team. Edafio is more of a family than a company, and I’ve enjoyed every second of it.