We are thrilled to pay tribute to Tom Ottenbacher, one of Edafio’s esteemed associates and our spotlight for December.
The comings and goings of staff are a part of every dynamic organization; therefore, it can be challenging to get to know our coworkers better as people, especially during a time of social distancing. We have to be mindful that our company culture thrives on our exceptional people as much as their outstanding technical skills. As such, we are finding that our periodic interviews with associates allow us to acknowledge and celebrate the beautiful life stories, extraordinary professional accomplishments, and even the little quirks that make us uniquely beautiful human beings.
We hope you find each Edafio associate story as inspiring as we do in gathering and sharing them.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am 37 years old. I am originally from Rapid City, South Dakota but have been in Arkansas since I was 10. I graduated with my Associate’s degree from ASU Beebe in Computer Systems and Networking Technology.
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Easygoing, Reliable, Honest
Do you have a favorite quote?
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
What do you like to do in your free time?
Golfing, Fishing, Traveling, playing guitar and bass.
When I’m creatively stuck, I…
Take a break, relax and listen to music.
Tom is a model representative of Edafio’s core values. Most of all, I admire his integrity without compromise. Tom is a trusted advisor to his clients in the Field. Our clients trust that they are in good hands with Tom even when he isn’t with them in-person.
Trevor Bates, Systems Team Lead
Everyone at Edafio has a story about why they joined the team. What’s yours?
I had the pleasure of joining the Edafio team in 2014 when Edafio merged with Coleman Technologies along with Trace Henderson and Ted Siems.
Edafio is always looking for exceptional candidates to join our team. For an opportunity to work with folks like Tom, be sure to visit our careers page to learn more.