We are thrilled to pay tribute today to Jennifer Hawthorne, one of Edafio’s esteemed associates and our spotlight for November.
The comings and goings of staff are a part of every dynamic organization; therefore, it can be challenging to get to know our coworkers better as people, especially during a time of social distancing. We have to be mindful that our company culture thrives on our exceptional people as much as their outstanding technical skills.
As such, we are finding that our periodic interviews with associates allow us to acknowledge and celebrate the beautiful life stories, extraordinary professional accomplishments, and even the little quirks that make us uniquely beautiful human beings.
We hope you find each Edafio associate story as inspiring as we do in gathering and sharing them.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
This December, my husband Tom and I will celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary. Our first home was a canvas tent (4 months), then we upgraded to a 5th Wheel Travel trailer that I used to drive whenever it was time to move to our next location (We were out west…Utah, Montana, Wyoming…beautiful county)!

We moved to LR in 1984, and now I consider LR our home. We do not have any biological children; we do have, what I call, a God-given daughter, young adult women I met while serving in the prison. It is both a beautiful and challenging relationship; it’s called parenthood. I am always happy to share this beautiful story with anyone who wants to hear it; I believe it was ordained!
Have any favorite quotes?
Just recently, my small group of women, and I were discussing servant leadership, and one of the ladies shared this quote: “Be the person who puts wind in someone else’s sail.” That resonated with me. I have no idea where the quote came from or who said it, but I knew after reading it was the person I wanted to be!
Be the person who puts wind in someone else’s sail.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Read a great fictional novel (Louise Penny – Inspector Gamache/David Baldacci are my fav), talk to my sister on the phone who lives in NC, take a walk. I also enjoy decluttering and organizing!
What would be impossible for you to give up?
Being OCD
What do you consider your most defining moment?
When I spoke at my mother-in-law’s memorial service in 2010, and my mentor was present – who is a speaker/teacher. After hearing me speak, she encouraged me to explore this gift. Soon after, I began to teach/speak in the women’s prison that was in Pine Bluff.
What would you do if you had no fear?
Skydive! Can’t you just picture me flying through the clouds!
Oh, but wait. I get motion sickness.
If you could spend one day with anyone in the world, who would it be?
I would give anything in the world to spend one more day with my Momma and Daddy. For anyone reading this, if your parents are still alive, I encourage you to embrace them, spend time with them, really, really get to know them – not just as your parent, but as a person. Learn about their childhood, their struggles, their thoughts/feelings.
If I had one core message for the world, what would it be?
You are here because you have a purpose. Something much better and bigger than yourself. Seek God to discover your unique purpose, then DO IT…It brings glory to God, a joy to your soul, and offers help to the needy!

When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Saturday, Oct 24…I early voted for the very first time, and it was on a Saturday!!! I was so excited, and for some reason, it relieved a lot of stress!
At this moment, what do you desire most?
To reach out and hug my friends, to engage in conversation without a mask, to sit in women’s small group tight and close!
What is one miracle, large or small, that has occurred in your life?
I am loved and accepted by the Creator of the Universe!
Who or what inspires you?
Jennifer Rothschild – who became suddenly blind at the age of 15. She is a singer/writer/teacher/speaker and is so encouraging, funny, wise, honest, and open about her struggle with blindness.
Quarantine can be a time of learning, self-reflection, and personal discovery. That said, is there anything you would like to share that COVID-19 and this quarantine has taught you?
We “know” we were never meant to do life on our own, but isolation has taught me that I have taken the gift of the community for granted and has shown me exactly how much I desire and need others. I tend to be independent, which isn’t always a good thing!

Everyone at Edafio has a story about why they joined the team. What’s yours?
Bear with me, but it truly is another divine appointment!
I knew it was time to leave my previous job in my heart, and I kept getting this nudge to reach out to Keith Woodruff and Edafio, but I was scared. I had interviewed with Keith and Jana a few years before, and it was just not the right time.
I kept wondering if I had missed my opportunity? The nudge was strong, but the fear was stronger! Right after talking to my mentor, confessing to her both my nudging and my fear, I ran into Keith and Robin at a local fly shop! I could not believe I ran into them at that time of day, at that store, and right after “that” conversation! Robin and I were talking, my heart beating 90 to nothing, and I finally told her what was going on, and she said we need to tell Keith. So, I did. Fast forward, and I am here, loving every minute of being on this team. I consider it an honor!
Get a closer look at who Jennifer Hawthorne is and what makes her so exceptional by watching our Teams video chat.
Edafio is always looking for exceptional candidates to join our team. For an opportunity to work with folks like Jennifer, be sure to visit our careers page to learn more.