We are thrilled to pay tribute to Kenny Spencer, our August Associate Spotlight, esteemed Systems Engineer and Navy veteran.
The comings and goings of staff are a part of every dynamic organization; therefore, it can be challenging to get to know our coworkers better as people, especially coming out of a time of social distancing. We have to be mindful that our company culture thrives on our exceptional people as much as their outstanding technical skills. As such, we are finding that our periodic interviews with associates allow us to acknowledge and celebrate the beautiful life stories, extraordinary professional accomplishments, and even the little quirks that make us uniquely beautiful human beings.
We hope you find each Edafio associate story as inspiring as we do in gathering and sharing them.
Take a moment to meet and get to know Kenny by watching the video interview here:
How long have you worked at Edafio, and what does your job entail?
I have been with Edafio since March of 2006 as a Systems Engineer where I design and implement various solutions for our clients.
What do you like most about your job?
I like working with clients and building trust relationships with them.
What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
You don’t have to know everything. You need to know when to stop and ask for help.
Kenny is a rock-solid Systems Engineer who embodies our core values. He has the rare gift of being able to completely secure our client’s trust and deliver exceptional service consistently. This is evident in Kenny’s work with longtime clients like Mack’s Prairie Wings and Douglas Companies. He is also an expert in identifying shades of white paint and how they can really work to tie the room together.
Trevor Bates, Team Lead
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
I like to hike with my family, help coach my kid’s sports teams and go watch baseball.

What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?
I used to work on a dairy farm.
Where’s your favorite place in the world?
I love to go back and visit my hometown of Gilmer, Texas.
If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
John Wayne. I love his movies, and I have always admired his patriotism.
What is the one thing you can’t live without?
Peanut Butter.
Who or what made you smile today?
My daughter sends a picture or video of my granddaughter every morning.

I had only been in Arkansas for a little over a year working for a network cabling company in Conway. I had given my resume to my brother-in-law, and he offered it to someone at his church that knew who happened to be the president of Edafio at the time, Robert Russell. Robert called me out of the blue and asked me to come in for an interview. During my visit, he showed me around and introduced me to everyone at the company (there were only like seven of us). He asked if I would be interested, and I said heck yeah! I had only taken some certification courses at the time. I had minimal practical experience, so I felt fortunate even to be here, so it was a blessing of a lifetime for me.
Edafio is always looking for exceptional candidates to join our team. For an opportunity to work with folks like Kenny, be sure to visit our careers page to learn more.