Meet Walt White, Business Development Executive

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We want to give a warm welcome to Walt White, Business Development Executive serving Central Arkansas. To help get to know him better, we sat down and had a great Q & A.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

“Never put those things that matter most at the mercy of those things that matter least.

What was something you’ve done that made you feel extreme happiness?

It is hard to pick just one – which is a great problem to have. So, here’s a few examples where I experience some extreme happiness:

  • White water rafting with family.
  • Eating fresh lobster and blueberry cake at a lobster bake picnic on Cabbage Island in Maine
  • Walking my oldest daughter down the aisle at her wedding

If you could invite five people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would they be, and why?

  • My mom (want to guarantee the food is really good)
  • My wife (she never met my mom and I would love for them to meet)
  • Tom Landry (born and raised in Dallas – my heroes have always been Cowboys; biggest of the heroes for me)
  • Agatha Christie (I love a good “Whodunit” –  I think she could make it a great murder mystery dinner)
  • Whoever oversaw the building of the Great Pyramids in Egypt (would love to understand how they were built so big and precise without the benefit of modern equipment and computers)

Walt brings with him a wealth of experience but equally as important are the soft skills he emanates. His sincerity, humility and an openness to learn are what make him a great fit for our team. Whether it is your first time meeting him or your 100th time, he will leave you with a smile and more optimistic than before and what is better than that! We are thrilled to have him at Edafio Technology Partners. Be sure to drop him a line to say hello and congratulate him on his new role.

E: [email protected]

M:   501.554.0464

O:  501.221.4161

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