We know we hire the best of the best and we want to share some of what makes our associates who they are. That being said, Edafio’s is excited to announce an associate spotlight twice a month! For April, we are shining the light on our dedicated associate, Joseph Dunn. Joseph joined the Edafio team as a Senior Engineer in 2018.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’ve always lived in Arkansas. I went to school in Arkadelphia through high school and then at Henderson State University. Later I would return to college to receive a degree in Information Technology Management. My family consists of my wife Rachel, my 15-year-old son Ethan and my 12-year-old daughter Isabelle. We live on five acres with two dogs, two cats, and 13 chickens.

Approach life and others with unquestionable integrity in everything you do.

What drew you to this profession?  I’ve always enjoyed problem solving and computers seemed like a career that was heavy in just that.

What do you like to do in your free time? Family board games, movies, fishing, hunting and computer games.

 Have you read any good books lately?  I just finished re-reading The Stand by Stephen King (I blame Rick Lee at CARTI).

What would be impossible for you to give up?  Internet.

What do you consider your most defining moment?  I would have to say the birth of my first child Ethan. It was a pretty solidifying moment in my desire to provide for my family and give them a good life.

What would you do if you had no fear? Cave Scuba diving maybe.

Have any favorite quotes? 
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back

When I’m creatively stuck, I… Refer to my favorite quote.

If you could spend one day with anyone in the world who would it be? Stephen Colbert.

 If I had one core message for the world what would it be? I’ll paraphrase my favorite Edafio core value: Approach life and others with unquestionable integrity in everything you do.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Last week. Built a chicken run.

What do you do when nothing seems to make you happy? Spend time with my family.

At this moment what do you desire most? A bit more normalcy back in everyday life.

I was very impressed with Edafio’s core values and could tell that it was more than just words on a webpage after meeting the teams.

What is one miracle large or small that has occurred in your life? My children.

Who or what inspires you? My late father, Dr. Charles Dunn.

Joseph Dunn is one of our top-notch Senior Systems Engineers. His focus is on custom solutions for several of our ITO’s as well as assisting our other associates where needed. His ability to effectively communicate with clients, management, and engineers ensures that the solutions he recommends align with the needs of all involved. He exemplifies all of our core values and beyond. Dunn is indeed a one of a kind, and we are delighted to have him as part of our #OneTeam!

Paul Peterson, Projects Team Lead

Lastly, Everyone at Edafio has a story about why they joined the team. What’s yours? I made the decision to join Edafio after meeting with several of the engineers and senior staff. Taking Edafio’s professionalism, family-like environment and focus on engineers made me feel Edafio would be a good fit to continue my career at.

Additionally, I was very impressed with Edafio’s core values and could tell that it was more than just words on a web page after meeting the teams.

Thank you for sharing more about yourself with our colleagues, clients, and community, Joseph.

Edafio is always looking for exceptional candidates to join our team. For an opportunity to work with folks like Joseph, be sure to visit our careers page to learn more.

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