This Christmas, it’s all about connection, safety, and presence

12 tip of techmas
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The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but if you’re like most people, you struggle to unplug from work during these times. Don’t worry; we are here to help!

At Edafio, we are the first to acknowledge that sometimes technology separates us when we are together, but technology can miraculously bring us together when we are apart. In an effort to stay safe, connected and present, families are finding new ways to help preserve holiday traditions through their smartphones, tablets, and other tech devices. This year, to play off the “12 days of Christmas,” our Elf-dafio team came up with “12 tech tips for Techmas” to strike the right balance of connectivity, safety and, most importantly, presence. In this article, we’ll show you why unplugging is so essential and how to mentally disconnect from work while you’re outside the office Ready? Let’s get started!

Tech Tip 1: When in doubt, reboot!

Our Network Operations Center Team advises clients that whenever your device is “acting up,” the best thing you can do is to “reboot.” To reboot means you shut everything down, turn off your device and then turn it back on again. By doing that, it resets everything and often fixes whatever problems may have been occurring. 

Tech Tip 2: Report spam texts and stick them to the scammers 

Junk texts are incredibly annoying, but the good news is you can block them, but it feels good to take action, too! You can report these spam texts to the GSMA’s Reporting Service with just a few clicks. Forward the message to 7726 (SPAM) or just hit “Report junk” in your messaging app.

Tech Tip 3: Turn Off Annoying Notifications on your device.

Notifications on your device are great for keeping up to date with breaking news, weather and traffic updates. Still, those real-time alerts popping up can drive you nuts with the constant interruptions blasting your screen–not to mention the battery burn on your device from all the activity. You can eliminate home screen notifications without your work or personal life suffering. Why not consider removing your notifications from your phone over the holiday? (Here’s how for iOS and Android)

Tech Tip 4: Use a password manager to keep track of personal credentials and accounts. 

A great password manager is one of the most important things you can do, and it is especially true during the pandemic that propelled millions to work from home. A password manager is a huge time-saver because you can effectively manage all your individual and unique passwords for the websites you access and help you log into them automatically. And they are much more secure because they encrypt your password database with a master password – and the master password is the only one you have to know.

Tech Tip 5: Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) when possible. 

Many manufacturers provide users the option to protect accounts with multi-factor authentication. MFA adds a layer of protection

and can reduce the impact of a password compromise because the hacker needs another factor—which is usually the user’s mobile device—for authentication. See Supplementing Passwords for more information.

Tech Tip 6: Evaluate your security settings. 

Most devices offer a myriad of features that you can tailor to fit your needs. Enable certain features to increase convenience or functionality may leave you more at risk. It is important to review your settings—particularly the security settings—and select options that suit your needs without adding increased risk. See Good Security Habits for more information.

Tech Tip 7: Ensure you have up-to-date software

When manufacturers become aware of gaps or vulnerabilities in their products, they issue patches to fix the problem. Patches are software updates that correct a particular issue or exposure in your device’s software. Make sure to implement appropriate patches as soon as possible to protect your devices. See Understanding Patches for more information.

Tech Tip 8: Secure Your Home Devices networks

As of 2020, there are 44.7 million smart households in the U.S. alone! This means securing home networks and devices is important, especially during remote learning and working. But the looming question that arises is HOW?! The answer lies with the Center for Internet Security (CIS). (CIS) produced a short webinar on home and office network security tips, which could save you more than the 30-minute time investment of watching the webinar.

Tech Tip 9: Upgrade and buy a USB switch. 

The USB switch saves you money and space by no longer having to own additional USB devices. The USB device is instantly available to serve any computer connected to it. Use it to swap from work and personal computers with one mouse and keyboard. No software installation is required; it keeps your desk cleaner and improves productivity.

Tech Tip 10: Dazzle your holiday party with a festive online class or activity!

Gather your group for a virtual holiday party over a sweet selection of online live and interactive classes or games and enjoy an experience that is both educational and entertaining, from mixology classes and virtual wine tastings to gingerbread wars and game night shenanigans!

Tech Tip 11: Tune out to tune in; Unplug to unwind; disconnect to connect. Quality time with the people in your life is essential, and there is no app for that. Here is an exercise to try over the holidays: When the sun goes down, your phone does too. 

To avoid falling prey to the mindless scroll, turn your devices to airplane mode and keep them out of reach. And don’t bring them to bed!

Tech Tip 12: ‘Be where you are!’ 

Last by certainly not least, turn your focus to the folks that matter most! Make lasting memories, share stories, lift a glass and enjoy these special moments that are here and gone so quickly. 

So this holiday, take a flight to a Merry Christmas, spread seasonal cheer, and remember, “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery; today is a gift ???? , and that is why it is called the present!”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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