Infrastructure Assessment

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A Strategic Approach with Proven Solutions

Infrastructure Assessment by Ascend Technologies

Let the Experts Guide Your Organization to Success.

At Ascend Technologies, we understand the importance of a strong and secure network infrastructure for your organization. That is why we offer comprehensive Infrastructure Assessments designed to evaluate your existing network, identify vulnerabilities, and develop a strategic plan to optimize your current infrastructure.

Whether you are facing network performance issues or looking to proactively enhance network security, our team of experts is here to help. Our team is dedicated to identifying any existing issues and future risks, as well as providing solutions that are tailored to your organization’s needs. We focus on delivering services and solutions that can help your organization control costs while maintaining performance standards and improving your IT environment.

Understanding Your Network’s Strengths & Weaknesses

Our thorough Infrastructure Assessment serves as the foundation of our services. We conduct an in-depth review of your network infrastructure, including hardware, software, configurations, and security protocols. Our experienced technicians analyze network performance, identify bottlenecks, and assess the overall health of your network. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of your network, we provide actionable insights to improve efficiency, security, and scalability.

A network infrastructure assessment can help businesses improve their network performance by up to 30% and improve their network security by up to 50%.

-Aberdeen Group, 2021

Key components of our IT Infrastructure Assessment

Man checking server in a network rack
  • Infrastructure Evaluation: We examine your network architecture, hardware devices, cabling, and connectivity to identify any limitations or areas for improvement
  • Performance Analysis: Our team conducts network traffic analysis to identify bottlenecks, latency issues, and other factors that may impact network performance
  • Security Assessment: We assess your network security measures, including firewalls, access controls, and encryption protocols, to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with industry standards
  • Scalability and Capacity Planning: We evaluate your network’s capacity to handle increasing demands and provide recommendations for scalability to support your organization’s growth
  • Documentation and Inventory: We document your network infrastructure, including network devices, configurations, and IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, to provide a comprehensive inventory and facilitate future management and troubleshooting

Why You Should Choose Ascend for Infrastructure Assessments


Our team of certified IT professionals brings extensive experience and deep knowledge in network assessment, design, and implementation.


We understand that every organization is unique. Our services are tailored to your specific needs and requirements, ensuring a customized solution that addresses your network challenges and supports your business objectives.

Holistic Approach

Our Infrastructure Assessments take a comprehensive approach to evaluate your network infrastructure, security, and performance, enabling us to provide recommendations that consider all aspects of your IT environment.

Proactive Security

We prioritize network security, ensuring that your network is protected against evolving threats and vulnerabilities. Our recommendations focus on implementing robust security measures to safeguard your data and systems.

Long-term Partnership

We strive to build long-term partnerships with our clients. Our ongoing support and maintenance services ensure that your network remains secure, reliable, and optimized as your organization evolves.

Developing an IT Roadmap for Your Future

Once we have completed the Infrastructure Assessment, we collaborate with you to develop a tailored IT Roadmap that aligns with your business goals and objectives. Our IT Roadmap provides a clear plan for technology investments, upgrades, and enhancements to maximize your network’s performance, security, and reliability.

Key components of our IT Roadmap include:

Goal Alignment

We work closely with your team to understand your business objectives and align technology strategies to support and enhance those goals.

Technology Recommendations

Based on the Assessment findings, we provide recommendations for hardware upgrades, software updates, security solutions, and network optimizations to improve performance and mitigate risks.

Implementation Plan

We create a detailed plan that outlines the sequence of technology initiatives, timelines, resource requirements, and expected outcomes.

Budgeting and Cost Optimization

Our team assists in developing an IT budget that prioritizes critical initiatives while optimizing costs and ensuring a return on investment.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

We offer ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the successful implementation of your IT Roadmap and provide proactive maintenance to keep your network secure and up to date.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Infrastructure Assessment?

An Infrastructure Assessment is an evaluation of the data, systems, applications, and operations that are present in an IT environment. This assessment ensures that the existing IT environment is secure, cost-effective, and up-to-date.

What does Ascend do to provide its Infrastructure Assessments?

Ascend’s Infrastructure Assessment process begins with an initial consultation and evaluation of your current IT environment. We then create a comprehensive assessment that includes an analysis of data, system analysis, performance analysis, and more. We use this assessment to develop customized solutions tailored to your organization and create a strategic approach that is tailored to your specific goals. Finally, we integrate the new technologies and advancements that we have identified and provide continuous support for the assessment.

How long does the assessment process take?

The length of the assessment process varies depending on the needs of the organization and the complexity of the IT environment.

Take the First Step Toward a Secure & Efficient Network

Are you ready to enhance your network performance, strengthen security, and plan for the future? Our team is committed to delivering customized solutions that empower your organization and drive success.

Contact Ascend today to schedule your Infrastructure Assessment consultation, and let us be your trusted partner in optimizing your network infrastructure and securing your digital assets.

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