Every successful business is built on a team of talented and dedicated individuals. Amidst the day-to-day demands of work, the essence and true spirit of such an amazing team can sometimes be overlooked. At Edafio, we are proud to have a team of exceptional individuals who bring a diverse range of skills and experiences to the organization. Through our Associate Spotlight interviews, we have the privilege of sharing their remarkable stories and professional achievements. We hope that by illuminating the incredible uniqueness of our fellow associates, we can inspire others to pursue their passions and achieve their goals. Today, we are delighted to recognize Meagan Johnson as our January Associate Spotlight. Let’s take this opportunity to get to know Meagan a little more!
What initially attracted you to Join edafio, and how has your experience been so far?
My initial attraction to Edafio was the work flexibility and hybrid environment. My experience so far has been so much more challenging, yet rewarding than I thought it would be.
What motivates and inspires you in your work?
Messing things up and learning to grow from those mistakes. Also, doing new tasks I have never done before. New tasks are scary, but it is so rewarding to grow your portfolio.
Are there any hobbies or special talents that you enjoy outside of work?
We love spending time doing anything outdoors with our 3 puppy dogs!
Can you share a favorite quote or mantra that resonates with you?
“If you aren’t messing things up, you aren’t learning.”
If you could Travel Anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Literally ANYWHERE. Especially if there is snow and mountains! Traveling & flying is my favorite!
Are there any causes or charities that you are passionate about? Why Are they So important to you?
Any charities involved in helping homeless animals. Animals are so loyal to humans and do not deserve the heartlessness and abuse that some humans give them.
Can you describe a Mentor or someone who has had a significant Influence on your professional development?
My stepdad gave me an internship at his business while in college and gave me the opportunity to experience the different parts of business and which areas intrigued me most. I’m so grateful to have had that opportunity.
What’s one skill or knowledge area that you’re currently Working on improving?
I am currently working on trying to improve my ability to speak in public settings or larger groups without getting stage fright and jumbling my words.
What’s your favorite thing About The culture and Environment at Edafio?
The hybrid environment, and everyone is so kind, patient and understanding!
If you could give one piece of advice to new hires at Edafio, what would it be?
Work hard and don’t be intimidated by the new challenges you face!
“Meagan has been an excellent team member at Edafio, and especially on our F & A team. She operates with Unquestionable Integrity and Personal Accountability in her role tasks daily. Whenever we are collaborating with other internal departments or outside vendors, Meagan drives with a One Team mindset and is Committed to finding solutions that help our clients and Edafio find success. She brings so much to our team, both professionally and personally, and I’m beyond grateful to work with her!”
– Katie Grayham
For an opportunity to work with individuals like Meagan and share in the spotlight, visit our carers page to learn more.