Meet Ryan Brown, associate spotlight for June

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We are thrilled to pay tribute today to Ryan Brown, one of our esteemed Edafio colleagues, and an associate spotlight for June. 

With so many of us working remotely, yet there are the comings and goings of staff that are part of every dynamic organization,  it can be challenging to get to know our coworkers better as people. We have to be mindful that our company culture thrives on people as much as their technical skills!

As such, we are finding that our periodic interviews with associates allow us to acknowledge and celebrate the beautiful life stories, amazing professional accomplishments, and even the little quirks that make us uniquely beautiful human beings. We hope you find each Edafio associate story as inspiring as we do in gathering and sharing them.

Watch it on video here:

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what brought you to Edafio?

I was at my previous job for about nine years, and I had recommended Edafio to my team. Randy Powell came and met with me, and I told him my concerns. I expressed how I wanted more of a partnership. After the presentation, my company agreed to move forward with my suggestion and hire Edafio. A little over a year after the systems migration, I put my resume in with Edafio. They hired me as a systems engineer two years ago in July. Four days later I was re-located to Conway Regional as their Information System Manager. I used to tell people if I was ever going to work anywhere else, it’d be at Edafio, and when people asked me where you recommend I apply, I always said Edafio and still do. And because I came over from the client-side, I know both the client and service side, which gives me a unique perspective.

You see, Edafio was much different than our previous MSP. They were much more of a trusted partner because they would regularly come by and check-in to see how we were doing.

Before working at Edafio, you had an idea of what we did and who we were, what were some of the things that made you want to bring them on as an MSP for your previous employer?

We had many different bids for the server room, and I liked the one that Edafio proposed. But it was after we hired them that we realized they were so much more than a managed service provider. They treat their clients with a more hands-on approach, and their ability to build exceptional relationships with their clients is exemplary. For example, we had an old file share that was our last thing to move over, and in the middle of moving it, the server crashed. We did a lot of stuff to try to get it recovered, but in that instance, just seeing the dedication and the drive of the engineers, solidified the deal. I felt like we were indeed a team. There was A LOT of late hours! They stayed until they completed the project to ensure we were up and running the next day.

What drew you to this profession?

Around three or four years old, I got a Nintendo and found out how much I liked technology. Then, when I was a teenager, when home computers started becoming the norm. I just loved tinkering around with them. Eventually, upgrading a processor to play a game I wanted to play, and it went surprisingly well!

What is some advice that you would give students, and those interested in possibly re-careering into technology?

People skills are essential. Probably the early days, people skills weren’t as necessary because they all lived and worked in the dungeon. But these days, we are responsible for making a lot of decisions within a medium to enterprise-level companies, and when you’re working on the frontlines, you’re seeing people at the most stressed during the day. Something they need to do on their job isn’t working, and they don’t know what to do to fix it. When they contact us with their problem, it is crucial to have a good attitude and communicate effectively with them. Simply talking to them can often diffuse the situation, and they feel better while you resolve the problem. You also have to be good at multitasking, organizing, and prioritizing.

2019 Edafio Christmas Party

Edafio engineers are like technology therapists. I like to use the term “IT with EQ” because engineers, like Ryan, understand the complexities of IT, yet are able to relay the information in a relatable and approachable manner and make it accessible to those who find it complicated and frustrating. There’s a genuine sincerity of wanting to be helpful that I recognize in our team.

Melissa Swann, Marketing Director

Do you have any favorite quotes?

“Train people so that they can leave, treat them so that they won’t.” CEO of Virgin Airlines, Richard Branson.
I think it’s essential, especially when you hire people, to treat them right and train them well.

Can you expand on our leadership and the company culture?

Edafio does an excellent job with professional development, and when I first came on, I had a mentor who helped support and develop my skills. Additionally, both Kenny (CEO) and Keith (former CEO) made me feel welcome by taking me to lunch, which was fantastic. With the COVID-19 pandemic, Kenny has done a terrific job in his new role as President/CEO. His proactive approach to taking a step back to look and plan for the worst and hope for the best was encouraging. I know it was a hard message to deliver, but it was the right message to give. I am amazed and inspired by his leadership.

What do you do in your free time?

So, not only is technology my job, it’s my hobby too. I still play video games a lot, board games, and an avid technology learner. I also recently built a house and wired it with networking and installed servers. My home has smart lights, smart locks, smart thermostats, smart garage door opener, and so much more. Now, when I come home, I can access everything remotely without touching a thing.

Thank you for sharing more about yourself with our colleagues, clients, and community, Ryan!

Edafio is always looking for exceptional candidates to join our team. For an opportunity to work with folks like Ryan, be sure to visit our careers page to learn more.

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